I consider myself among the fortunate to be in the most fast-moving technological age of all times. When it comes to communication, I think back to the dial-up telephones, party lines, when payphones were on every corner, and I realize how quickly that has changed. Many of us have existed in an era when the telephone and computers first connected to an electrical outlet. These items have evolved promptly into wireless cell phones and cordless phones. Wireless access allows us to take our phones outside of our homes and to speak into the airways while communicating with others.

However, with advancements in the wireless world, there are flaws. We must depend on man operated satellites that may not work in stormy weather. There is also a cost. Not everyone can afford the fees associated with being wireless. If you do not pay your bill, you will find yourself quickly cut off. There are still parts of the world without internet access, making it almost impossible to connect with people in remote areas. Yes, the wireless connection has its pros and cons. But when it comes to communicating on a spiritual level to our God, it is reassuring to know prayer is the most advanced communication model, and it is truly wireless.
Prayer is our wireless conversation with God, and it first took place in the days of Adam and Eve (Gen. 3). As Christians, we believe prayer works. The Bible tells us to pray for one another. To release prayers of faith for healing from sickness (James 5:16). To pray when we are facing hardship (Matt. 21:21), when afraid (Psalms 34:4) and when troubles come (James 5:13). To offer up prayers of thanks (Phil. 4:6, Ephesians 6:18), repentance (1 John 1:9) and prayer for renewal (Psalm 51:10)...Prayer is something that should always be on our lips (1 Thess. 5:13). We may be in one part of the world, and prayers prayed in another part of the world can reach us. According to God’s perfect will, God answers prayers. Prayer changes things, and that is good news.
We read about one example of how prayer can change circumstances in the story found in Acts.12:12-16. We read about Peter’s arrest and how the Church earnestly prayed for him. While the Church prayed, God answered them according to God’s will. After a miraculous rescue by an angel, a free Peter came to those praying and knocked at the door. They did not believe the servant girl, Rhoda, when she first told them Peter was at the door. But when Peter himself told them what the Lord had done for him, they believed, realizing that prayer is wireless communication, which goes directly to God.
It is reassuring to know that our prayers to God cannot be stopped or interrupted in times of uncertainty. We who seek the Spirit of God have been given direct access despite the trials we are facing. God is never far away; there is no distance between us. God is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent. Psalms 139:7-12 reminds us that God is everywhere. It reads:
“7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there.
If I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,”
12, even the darkness will not be dark to you.
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.”
It is good to know that almighty God is with us and never leaves us. So while there is breath in our bodies, we can communicate with God using the most advanced wireless prayer method. Remember, prayer does not have a price tag, no sign-up fees, no satellite or wires required—we have direct access to our loving creator when prayers of faith are released. These wireless prayers become active in time and space according to God’s will and purpose every time. That is awesome! Amen.
All Scripture references are from the New International Version.