The Full Story
Listening Hearts
The goal of Listening Hearts is to create opportunities where it feels natural to talk about your personal walk
with God. This small group experience is a chance to minister to one another by becoming more relaxed listeners.
Listening Hearts gives you the opportunity to draw closer to God through the use of some spiritual practices.
Listening Hearts is adapted from Soul Sisters, created by the Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec.
ABW is grateful to our sisters for sharing Soul Sisters with us and allowing it to be modified for our context.
We hope that you make deep connections with each other. Gather a group and begin to draw closer to God
and one another. All you need is in the booklet (same for both leader and participant). If you choose, you can make use of the extra resources, such as visuals for onscreen, if you meet by Zoom
or people wish to have visual resources on their personal devices while you meet.

Listening Hearts 1
Listening Hearts ONE gives you a chance to draw closer to God with some spiritual practices that may be new to you. They are: silence, praying Scripture, listening for what God may be saying, and the ancient practice of Examen. The Program Booklet is the same for both the facilitator and group participants. Extra Resources holds optional items such as onscreen slides.

Listening Hearts 3
The goal of Listening Hearts THREE is to work on the spiritual
formation practices we’ve already learned as well as a new practice called Guided Prayer.The program booklet is the same for both the facilitator and group participants.