All donations are gratefully accepted. Your donation will provide funding for mission and ministry within our region as well as globally. Atlantic Baptist Women is a registered Canadian charity under our incorporated name, United Baptist Woman's Missionary Union of the Atlantic Provinces. Donations $20 and above will receive a receipt if requested and a name and mailing address are provided.
Thank you for your contribution.
Giving Options
Please send by regular mail. You may email the ABW treasurer for the mailing address,
Please make cheque payable to:
Atlantic Baptist Women.
In the memo section please indicate whether is for "general" purposes or for "designated" purposes. If designated, please name the specific purpose.
Login to your online banking account and select the e-transfer option (wording varies by institution).
You will need to add the ABW Treasurer as a recipient
a. Recipient Name: ABW Treasurer
b. Recipient Email:
In the message section please state that you are making a donation and indicate whether it is for "general" purposes or for "designated" purposes. If designated, please name the specific purpose.
4. Complete the e-transfer transaction through your online banking institution.
5. Send an email to with the subject line "DONATION". Include in the email your full name, mailing address. Donations $20 and above will receive a receipt only if requested and a name and mailing address are provided.
You will receive confirmation from your banking institution when your gift has been received.
Gifts can also be made in memory or to recognize the special occasion of someone