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Praying Together

Prayer Requests
September 2024

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,

and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10, NIV) 


Trustworthy Jesus, we thank you that Darrell and Laura Lee Bustin, global field staff with Canadian Baptist Ministries in Rwanda, have trusted you during their 22 years with CBM. Pour out your Spirit on them during their current home assignment and prepare them for relocation to Atlantic Canada in 2025. 


God of Peace, we bring the armed conflict in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), before your throne, begging you to put an end to bombings of the innocent. Touch the country of Sudan as well; refugees continue to flee the country to a poverty-stricken South Sudan. 


Omnipresent God, comfort the survivors of the recent floods in Kenya. Provide the means for CBM’s partners to offer food assistance in Kenya and to the hundreds of thousands of refugees in the DRC and South Sudan. Equip CBM Africa Team Leader André Sibomana and his team, to provide stability and support and promote unity. 





Compassionate God, bring healing to the victims of human trafficking in Dimapur, India, who are receiving mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual help from Canadian Baptist Ministries’ partners. 


We praise you, O God, for the 14 graduates of the Nursing Aid Training program in Yangon, Myanmar, and for the five of these who accepted Jesus as their Saviour. Use the next session, beginning this month, to your honour and glory. 


Joseph Lee and Lilian Yang, Canadian Baptist Ministries national field staff based in Thailand, request prayer as they pursue further studies and for safety as they visit CBM projects, especially in Myanmar. As parents of a teenaged daughter, they welcome prayer for their child’s spiritual growth.



Thank God with Yuanchuan Ye, Canadian Baptist Ministries national field staff in Germany, and his wife Ming Gao, that their children have integrated well in Kassel. Praise the Lord with them that they now have more time for ministry, and that attendance at the annual five-day discipleship camp increased significantly this year. 


Holy and righteous God, we beg of you to intervene in the war between Ukraine and Russia. Europe lives in fear of the war expanding and military spending has increased. Work in the hearts of world leaders and draw them to yourself, we pray. 

Middle East/North Africa

Faithful Saviour, thank you for providing willing workers to fill positions in difficult areas such as Lebanon. Guide your servant, Rabih Wazir, as he begins to serve with CBM as integral mission coordinator in the Middle East and North Africa. 


God of mercy, we pray for a resolution to the war in Gaza; for peace in Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria; for protection of the CBM program officers as they travel; and, for encouragement for the staff and students at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, located in Beirut.

Latin America

Creator of Life, we thank you for the Creation Care program which is being successfully implemented by CBM’s partners. Pray for Kathryn Scott, CBM global field staff in the Dominican Republic, as she teaches the next generation the wisdom and ways of the Lord, which includes their responsibility to creation. 


All glory to you, God, for the leadership provided by Bruno and Kathleen Soucy as Canadian Baptist Ministries’ team leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean over the past 10 years. Prepare them, and Patty Nacho, their successor, for their new roles which will begin in the new year. 


Father God, we pray that Tim and Kallie Hutton’s long overdue home assignment has been a time of refreshment for them. Raise up more literacy initiatives to enable Bolivian believers to read and study the Bible. 


Rev. Gail Whalen-Dunn, a past president of Atlantic Baptist Women, has been chosen to serve as president of Canadian Baptist Women. Thank you, loving Lord, for the leadership ability you have given her and pray your strength and guidance for her as she leads.


God of equality and justice, we pray that Canadians would continue to work toward reconciliation with those who first welcomed non-Indigenous peoples on this land. Speak to us today as we reflect on the significance of the orange shirt.

Atlantic Canada

Our hearts are full of praise, Lord, for the youth who attended the ONE conference in Moncton in June. Give them courage to follow you. Grow the seed that was planted in their hearts.


Faithful Father, we ask that you be with students travelling Acadia Divinity College in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, and to Crandall University in Moncton, New Brunswick. O God, wrap your loving arms around our younger children as they begin another school year. 


Almighty God, we plead for the availability of an affordable and convenient space for the Bridgewater branch of the Open Door Centre, forced to move. Encourage the director and give her the energy required for relocating. Thank you, God, for the many generous donors to their Change for Life campaign.


Praise God with the staff at the Pregnancy and Wellness Centre of Moncton for the many summer volunteers and for the good attendance at the new prenatal classes. Pray that God will provide a nurse manager needed to fill a maternity leave. 


God of love, bless the Island Pregnancy Centres of Prince Edward Island, which are seeking new board members, and the Pregnancy Resource Center of Saint John, N.B., which is facing many staff changes this fall. Fill staff with your love as they minister to clients, many from other countries. 


God of order, we continue to pray for peace in our world, asking for restoration of order, safety for civilians, and effective humanitarian aid for the 580,000+ people in Haiti who have been displaced in the past six months. 


Sovereign God, you are in control of the many changes taking place within the Canadian Baptist Ministries network. Thank you for the 16 years of dedicated service that John Chan had with CBM. Bless him in his new role as senior pastor of Logos Baptist Church in Mississauga, Ontario. We ask your wisdom for Helle Liht, who will take over the CBM position as director of international partnerships for Europe, the Middle East North Africa region, and Africa on September 3, 2024. 

Thank you for praying!
May the Lord bless you as you lift up these requests before him. 

These requests come from many sources including the CBM website, CBM Prayerline, as well as blogs, newsletters, and emails from CBM staff and other Baptist partners.

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