How Do You Enter Worship? Do you arrive five minutes late, and plop in the seat, thankful that you made it? Or do you come to the sanctuary door, see your seat taken and don’t know where to sit? You feel at a loss, as if you feel out of place? Do you get there early, chat with others, and see how other ladies of faith are doing? Do you come to worship expectantly, just waiting to see what God is going to do today? Do you come with your burdens and breathe a sigh of relief, that just for one hour, everything is okay?
Recently, I had arrived early to the worship sanctuary, and as I sat observing those around me. I was struck by what three children taught me, about entering the worship sanctuary. One little boy and his older sister ran up the aisle and hurried to their seat as if they were afraid, they were going to miss the worship service. The children took their seats with an abounding enthusiasm to worship God through music, Bible stories and of course do not let us forget the important activity pages or the occasional treat the Pastor sometimes gives them. There was no talking to their friends or roughhousing, they just sat waiting for the service to start.
The third child was a toddler. This toddler was just starting to walk. He entered the worship sanctuary holding proudly to his father’s hand with one finger. He waddled up the center aisle, looking first to the left and smiled, as if saying: “I’m so glad you are here, today.” and then the toddler would look to the right and smile, as if saying: “It’s so good to see you today, I missed you last week.” He continued slowly up the aisle to his seat. He never said anything. However, he looked so grateful that everyone had come out to worship the Lord that day.
Oh, to see things through the eyes of a child. Pure and innocent. Psalm 100:2-4 says “Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us and we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” (NIV)
When I was a child, my parents taught me that when I walked into the worship sanctuary, that I was walking into the presence of the King of Kings. I should therefore dress and act appropriately. Don’t get me wrong, they realized I was a child and at the time we did not have children’s church. Therefore, my dad always had a supply of paper and pens for me and candy. But as an adult what I took away is that when I enter the worship sanctuary, I should enter with reverence.
Each of us, as women of faith maturing in the Lord have our own ways that we worship the Lord. Let us remember the example of these three children. As well, let us remember Psalm 100:2-4, Worship with gladness, remember who we are worshipping and enter with thanksgiving and praise. Say a prayer of praise and thanks to God for what He is going to do in the worship service today!
God will do amazing works in your life of faith!
To the Glory of God Almighty!
Kathleen R. Brewer