“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” Psalm 100:4
Thanksgiving is coming and its time to celebrate! It’s always a special time for family and friends to get together and celebrate the many blessings God has given us. I can’t wait for turkey and dressing, I don’t care about the rest, well maybe a piece of pie would be great! No matter the food choice, Thanksgiving is a celebration of God’s provision to us and a time to thank Him for His blessings.

What are you thankful for this year? Take a minute and make a list. Sometimes in the busyness of life we can forget some of God’s blessings and answers to prayer.
Let’s think of some of our blessings: 1) God made us in His image. We are each individuals and have unique talents, and dreams. 2) The unconditional love of God and a home in heaven prepared for us. 3) Our life and health. Some of us are struggling with health problems, but each day God gives us the strength and encouragement to put one foot in front of the other. God is the Great Physician, 4) Food that God has provided. 5) Churches to worship God freely in and to learn how to grow and minister for Christ. 6) Family to love and be loved. THANKS BE TO GOD!
I could continue the list but I think you get the idea. I don’t know about you, but some of the things I am most thankful for come from trials where God answered prayers. This year I know my life has been one of great blessings, but also some trials. However, please know that, in the midst of these trials, God has answered prayers in ways I never imagined and some before I even spoke them. Throughout the year, God has taught me to go deeper with Him and He will for you too. THANKS BE TO GOD!
As women of faith, this year may have been difficult in our lives, in individual ways. Yet through them God has given us blessings and answers to be thankful for. I am the prayer line coordinator for my church. I consider it a privilege and an honor to be a part of this ministry. Over the past year, I have seen many prayer requests come in, and praise be to God for the many answers to prayers. THANKS BE TO GOD!
Pumpkin pies, apple pies, turkey, dressing, whipped potatoes, whatever is your favorite food! This thanksgiving celebrate all the blessings God has given to you and your family.
Kathleen R. Brewer